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Is a doctors appraisal a pass or fail event?

This Blog explains whether a doctors appraisal a pass or fail event?

From: RCGP-Revalidation-Mythbusters-2016.pdf

A medical appraisal is certainly not a pass or fail event! Appraisal is, or should be, part of a formative and developmental process (see glossary). It provides an annual chance to reflect with the help of a trained appraiser, in protected time. Beyond helping you to collect a portfolio of supporting information that meets your needs and enables your responsible officer to make a recommendation to revalidate, it is about facilitating your reflection and encouraging you to consider your personal and professional development needs and how best to meet them. Appraisal should always include support, encouragement and stimulation; it is a valuable protected time with a trained peer to look back over the past year and review achievements and challenges and to look forward and plan for the coming year in the light of any aspirations you may have and any needs relating to the context in which you work. At a time of great stress in general practice, appraisal has an important role in helping GPs who may be struggling and signposting them to local support services, with the aim of retaining GPs within the profession.

The reflective process that is central to appraisal has an important role in helping us all to think about what has happened and to look for learning, recognising both what went well – those things we should try to do more of or share – and any areas for development, or that we find challenging – those things we should try to improve or change.

The support of a trained appraiser can facilitate the process and help us in working out how to address learning needs before they cause any concerns. If any shortcomings in the portfolio of supporting information are identified, these should be addressed in a supportive way and plans to overcome them should be included in the agreed PDP.


For further information and support on doctor appraisals, please visit: http://medicalapprais.wpengine.com

For further information on medical appraisals and revalidation, 
KIndly visit our website - https://medicalappraisals.org.uk/
Our Youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGv7f1oW3wjrs1hCriW6k2Q

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