How can doctors revalidate if they don’t have a responsible officer?
This Blog explains how doctors without a Responsible Officer can still revalidate and hold a license to practice.
From: http://www.gmc-uk.org/Revalidation___FAQs_for_retired_doctors___DC5683.pdf_56109819.pdf
If you don’t have a responsible officer but want to keep your licence to practise, you may be able to identify a suitable person to support your appraisal and recommend whether you can revalidate. The role of an approved suitable person is substantially the same as that of a responsible officer. In brief, that person must: hold a licence to practise and have been registered with us continuously for at least five years have a connection to a responsible officer or an approved suitable person, for their own revalidation be a responsible officer or hold a post similar to that of a responsible officer, in an organisation operating and located in the UK or the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man have a logical link to your current medical practice
To help you try to identify a suitable person, you should look at the criteria for being a suitable person at www.gmc-uk.org/suitable.If you find someone who meets these criteria, you should ask them if they are willing to act as a suitable person for you. If they are, they will need to apply to us to be a suitable person, and have their application approved before the arrangements can be confirmed.
If you don’t have a responsible officer and can’t identify a suitable person and you wish to maintain your licence you will still be able to revalidate. You will need to:tell us by emailing revalidation@gmc-uk.org (including your GMC reference number in the email) send us information each year about your work and evidence of your participation in appraisals. You will need to make sure our criteria for appraisals and appraisers, set out in A guide for doctors to the General Medical Council (Licence to Practise and Revalidation) Regulations 2012, are met to take part in an independent assessment of your medical knowledge and skills if we ask you to do so pay us a fee to evaluate any evidence and for each part of the assessment.
If you pass the assessment, and the evidence from your appraisals shows you are t to practise, you will be successfully revalidated. If you don’t pass the assessment, we will investigate further whether you are t to practise. This means your registration as well as your licence would be at risk.You can find out more about this process at www.gmc-uk.org/suitable_none.
From: http://www.gmc-uk.org/Revalidation___FAQs_for_retired_doctors___DC5683.pdf_56109819.pdf
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