Guidance on doctor appraisal and revalidation
Please see below the GMC guidance on doctor appraisal and revalidation: http://www.gmc-uk.org/doctors/revalidation/23523.asp#
Every licensed doctor must take part in revalidation. This involves collecting and reflecting on supporting information about your whole practice and having an annual appraisal based on our core guidance, Good medical practice.
It’s important you understand what our requirements are for revalidation so you can maintain your licence to practise. You should read our Guide for doctors: Revalidation and maintaining your licence. This includes information about revalidation specifically for doctors who do not have a Responsible Officer or Suitable Person.
Your licence to practise is at risk if you don’t engage with revalidation and give us the information and evidence that we need to revalidate you. If we withdraw your licence because you’ve failed to engage in revalidation this is likely to affect any request you may make in the future, to get it back.
- It’s likely to take longer to deal with your application because you’ll need to give us more evidence which we’ll need to review.
- You’ll need to give us the evidence for your revalidation which we asked you for before your licence was withdrawn.
- We might also ask you to revalidate before we give your licence back.
If you don’t need your licence to practise we recommend that you consider giving it up. Giving up your licence and remaining registered without it is a straightforward process, and we have guidance on how you can do this.
You should already be having annual appraisals based on our Good medical practice (GMP) framework and collecting supporting information about your practice, to show how you're meeting our professional standards in your everyday practice.
If you're unable to arrange your appraisal through your employer, you need to make arrangements yourself, through an independent provider of UK medical appraisals.
Your appraiser must meet our criteria, which includes:
- being a licensed doctor with a connection to a designated body or Suitable Person
- participating in revalidation
- being trained in delivering medical appraisals in the UK
- carried out at least five appraisals in the preceding 12 months.
For further information on medical appraisals and revalidation,
KIndly visit our website - https://medicalappraisals.org.uk/
Our Youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGv7f1oW3wjrs1hCriW6k2Q