

GMC guidance on CPD hours for doctor appraisal and revalidation

There remains considerable confusion as regards CPD for an appraisal - in terms of the number of hours. Please find here the current GMC guidance on CPD hours for appraisal and revalidation -

Our supporting information guidance says we don’t require doctors to have a specific number of hours or credits of continuing professional development (CPD). As the regulator, we’re interested in the impact of doctors' learning and development and how that learning contributes to improving patient safety and the quality of care provided by doctors and the teams in which they work. We have published the guidance booklet, Continuing professional development: guidance for all doctors to help doctors reflect on how they fulfil their professional duty to keep their knowledge and skills up to date throughout their working lives.

How much CPD someone needs, and what CPD activities are appropriate, will be different for each doctor. For this reason we have not set a specific number of CPD credits or hours as a requirement for revalidation or attempted to prescribe the content of doctors' CPD activities.

However, we recognise that other organisations, such as the medical royal colleges and faculties, offer guidance on how doctors should carry out CPD relevant to their specialties. Many of these organisations also offer credit based schemes that require doctors to complete a specified number of hours of CPD. Many doctors find this useful. These systems may provide doctors with a valuable way to demonstrate at their appraisals that they are participating in CPD in line with expected practice in their specialty.

You can read more about why we have not specified hours/credits for CPD in our report on our consultation on our role in Continuing Professional Development. You can find more information about how we developed our outcomes-based approach to CPD in the final report of Review of the GMC’s Role in Doctors’ Continuing Professional Development.

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