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Do I have to do an equal amount of CPD every year for my doctor appraisal and revalidation despite different circumstances?

This Blog clears the myth that you have to do the same amount, or variety, of CPD every year as part of your doctor appraisal and revalidation.

From: RCGP-Revalidation-Mythbusters-2016.pdf

You do not have to do the same amount, or variety, of CPD every year. Your revalidation recommendation will be informed by a portfolio that will (normally) cover a five year cycle.

The RCGP recommends that GPs should learn from a wide variety of sources and ensure that they are actively keeping themselves up-to-date at all times (when they are fit to work) as part of normal professional practice. The documentation of CPD for appraisal and revalidation purposes should be viewed as a selective process that must be kept reasonable and proportionate, with GPs choosing to document their reflection on their most important learning and any changes made as a result. In order to demonstrate that you keep up-to-date every year, it is important to reflect on your CPD every year.

It is reasonable to average out CPD and ensure that there is a spread over the GP curriculum over the five year cycle – which may involve making up a shortfall or gap in one year over the following years. Sometimes it is obvious that a major commitment, such as a postgraduate qualification, will take up almost all the CPD in one year, without demonstrating a spread over the GP curriculum or the whole scope of work. Often, in discussion with the appraiser, it is clear that there have been far more than 50 hours of CPD, but fewer than 50 credits are documented. Well trained and supported appraisers can help you to recognise and document your CPD appropriately. They can also help you to plan to ensure that your portfolio covers the GP curriculum over the five year cycle.

From: RCGP-Revalidation-Mythbusters-2016.pdf

MEDSU (medsu.org) have a wonderful cloud based appraisal platform that uses a mobile app that you can freely use to enter your CPD activities and keep track round the year!

For further information and support for locum doctor appraisals, please visit: http://medicalapprais.wpengine.com

For further information on medical appraisals and revalidation, 
KIndly visit our website - https://medicalappraisals.org.uk/
Our Youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGv7f1oW3wjrs1hCriW6k2Q

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