

Clarifying 'significant events' for a doctors appraisal

Significant events for a medical appraisal are discussed as the third type of supporting information doctors will use to demonstrate that they are continuing to meet the principles and values set out in Good Medical Practice.

This blog explains what is meant by ‘significant events’ in the context of revalidation, and provides guidance on what you need to do to prepare.

A significant event is any unintended or unexpected event that could have led or did lead to harm of one or more patients.

The GMC defines these as ‘events which did or could have led to patient harm’. They include Serious Untoward Incidents (SUIs) and Serious Incidents Requiring Investigation (SIRIs) or their equivalent.

You will need to provide details of any significant events in which you have been directly involved since your last appraisal. This includes information about the incident, a review of the data and your subsequent reflection, learning points and action taken.

If you have not been directly involved in any significant incidents since your last appraisal, you will need to present a self-declaration to this effect.

In primary care, significant event audit has evolved as an important tool in improving practice. Where these have been undertaken and don’t meet

the GMC definition above, they could be included in Section 8 of the MAG form as supporting information for quality improvement activity.

Please note:

  • You do not need to list any significant events where your only involvement was in the investigation.
  • It is not the appraiser's role to conduct investigations into serious events. Organisational clinical governance systems and other      management processes are put in place to deal with these situations.
  • Please ensure you are familiar with your organisation's local processes and agreed thresholds for recording significant events.
  • If you work in an environment in which the capturing and analysis of such events are not part of local procedures, you must still note and include   all events which meet the definition above, whether or not this has been addressed in an official capacity.
  • It is acceptable for this section to be blank if no such events have occurred since your last appraisal.

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