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Medical revalidation exercise for UK doctors - Sir Keith Pearson

This blog is a word to word account from Sir Keith Pearson’s report on the state of the medical revalidation exercise for UK doctors.

From: http://www.gmc-uk.org/Taking_revalidation_forward___Improving_the_process_of_relicensing_for_doctors.pdf_68683704.pdf

For revalidation to achieve its goal of increasing assurance:

  • Local healthcare organisations should promote revalidation to their patients, explaining the assurance that it provides and why their feedback matters.
  • Mechanisms for capturing feedback on doctors from patients and colleagues should be strengthened.
  • The system needs to be more robust for doctors who work outside mainstream clinical practice and those who move around the system, such as locums.
  • The GMC should work with others to identify quantifiable, long-term impact measures for revalidation.

For revalidation to secure confidence across the medical profession:

  • The GMC should update its guidance on the information doctors need to collect for revalidation to make clear what is sufficient and what is (and is not) mandatory. ROs should avoid placing revalidation requirements on doctors that go beyond what is specified as necessary by the GMC.
  • Local healthcare organisations should continue their work to improve and assure the quality and consistency of annual whole practice appraisal.
  • The boards of healthcare organisations should offer greater challenge and support to make sure local revalidation processes are efficient, effective and fair.
  • Organisations should make it easier for doctors to collect evidence for their appraisal by improving local information systems and support. But doctors also need to approach the process constructively, recognising that revalidation is a legitimate and proportionate assurance mechanism for patients and employers.

From: http://www.gmc-uk.org/Taking_revalidation_forward___Improving_the_process_of_relicensing_for_doctors.pdf_68683704.pdf

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